onsdag 17 februari 2016

Remake: Icelandic sweater

My husband got a hand knitted traditional icelandic sweater when he was on Iceland for over 15 years ago. Unfortunately, the sweater was too big, and he has never worn it!

As a part of a new outfit I’m making for him, I will remake his Icelandic sweater!


The original sweater has a nice pattern. It is knitted with an unspun yarn, could be Plötulopi.


Now the sweater is no more!

I have a book about Icelandic sweaters, and I’ve found a pattern which I hope will work with my colors.
Now, back to work!

onsdag 3 februari 2016

Working on: Thread Theory – Jutland Pants

For the first time I’m sewing for my husband! He has been asking me several times to mend a pair of trousers, but I never find the time for that. To compensate him, I’m making him a new pair of trousers. I’ve had my eyes on the patterns from Thread Theory for some time, and I decided to try their Jutland Pants.

I really tried to get the size right, I measured my husband, his favorite pair of pants, the pattern, and yet I had to do a lot of changes before I could get started. I don’t think there are any problems with the pattern; I believe that the intended fit of the Jutland pants differs from my husband’s preferences.

I find it quite intimidating, sewing for my husband. I don’t want him to feel that he is wearing anything less than a perfect pair of pants. This makes the entire process really SLOW! Now, I know that these first pair of Jutlands wont be as perfect as I would like, but I have to be realistic and accept what I can make during those few hours of sewing I’ve got.

For now I'll share some photos of the process so far. More to come!

I machine basted the pants to get the fit right. Then there were a couple of nights of unpicking!

I tried three different methods of attaching the zipper.

Polka dot pockets =)

I was a bit nervous about topstitching the thick fabric, but my old machine is doing a great job!

Cargo pockets

Polka dots =)