tisdag 9 december 2014

Bread with rye, wheate, and durum

I have tried another recipe from Martin Johansson’s book “Bröd och pizza”, namely the bread he calls “Bread with rye, wheate, and durum”.

It is based on sour dough, which I first mixed with water and flour:


The dough is then prepared by simply stirring it together:

The dough rested for just over 3 hours, during that time I folded it 3 times.

The dough is then supposed to be put in two proving baskets, but since I don’t have any, I put the dough in two bowls:


After 12 hours in the refrigerator I put the bread on a hot baking plate:

The bread turned out quite nice, I haven’t sliced it yet though, I had to get to work!


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