söndag 7 december 2014

Walnut baguettes and ginger bread

This week-end we began the preparation for Christmas. We will celebrate Christmas Eve together with the rest of the family, and it is our mission to provide everyone with cookies, sweets and bread!

We began by making ginger bread.

The dough took two days to prepare, the cookies 30 minutes, and the reduction to 50% after they came out from the over, about 2 minutes. Of course you have to taste every shape! I’ve divided the dough into suitable sizes and frozen it, so in two weeks I hope we will have (had) enough of ginger bread.

I also tried a new bread recipe. I lent a book from a friend of mine, Francesca at BB Italia.

I did the walnut baguettes and they turned out lovely!

I often use a machine to knead the dough when I bake, but this recipe called for a different technique. You simply blend all ingredients, and then fold the dough a couple of times during the day. I must say that it resulted in less washing up, and very nice bread! Thank you Francesca for the tip!

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