tisdag 16 december 2014

Rye bread

This morning I tried yet another recipe of Martin Johansson’s, a rye bread. I have not cut it yet, so I’m excited to see how it turned out.


The recipes in the book are very simple, but good. I’m used to use a machine to knead the dough, so the folding technique is new to me. The dough is also much stickier than I’m used to. The only thing that doesn’t follow the recipes when I bake is the baking time in the oven. Perhaps it’s my oven, but I need to have the bread in the over for a much longer time than indicated in the recipes. Compared to other recipes I’ve tried the baking times in this book are short.

I bought bread malt yesterday from our local bakery! It is a fluid, and not flour as I had hoped. I would like to make bread called “Malaxlimpa” for Christmas, but then I need “memmamalt”. I will try to order some from Finland. I’m sure I’ll find some interesting recipe using fluid bread malt for my Christmas bred!

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